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py-ghp-import Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch
py-icecream Never use print() to debug again
py-immutables Immutable collections
py-installer Library for installing Python wheels
py-lazy_loader Load subpackages and functions on demand
py-lcapy (V) Symbolic linear circuit analysis
py-mpop (V) Meteorological post processing package
py-neurolab (V) Simple and powerfull neural network library for python
py-neuronpy (V) The NEURON simulator and analyzing neural data
py-pbs-installer Installer for Python Build Standalone
py-pep440 Check whether versions number match PEP 440
py-platformdirs Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
py-progressbar (V) Text progress bar library for Python
py-pysph (V) General purpose Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework
py-pytrends (V) Pseudo API for Google Trends
py-scikits_datasmooth (V) Scikits data smoothing package
py-screenkey (V) Screencast tool to display your keys
py-shellingham Tool to detect surrounding shell
py-sniffio Sniff out which async library your code is running under
py-sofa (V) Python ctypes wrapper around the SOFA astronomical library
py-stdnum Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes
py-tmux (V) Simple wrapper for tmux
py-topkapi (V) TOPKAPI hydrological model in Python
py-tqdm Fast, extensible progress bar for Python
py-trove-classifiers Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (
py-trytond-carrier Carrier module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-carrier-percentage Carrier percentage module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-carrier-weight Carrier weight module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-company Company module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-dashboard Dashboard module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-party Party module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-party-relationship Party relationship module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-party-siret The party_siret module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product Product module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product-attribute Product attribute module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product-classification Product classification module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product-classification-taxonomic Tryton's product classification taxonomic module
py-trytond-product-measurements Product measurements module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production Production module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-routing Production routing module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-split Production split module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-work Production work module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-work-timesheet Tryton's production work timesheet module
py-trytond-project Project module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-project-invoice Project invoice module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-project-plan Project plan module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-project-revenue Project revenue module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock Stock module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-forecast Stock forecast module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-inventory-location Tryton's stock inventory location module
py-trytond-stock-location-sequence Tryton's stock location sequence module
py-trytond-stock-lot Stock lot module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-lot-sled Stock lot sled module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-package Stock package module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-package-shipping Stock package shipping module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-package-shipping-dpd Tryton's stock package shipping DPD module
py-trytond-stock-package-shipping-ups Tryton's stock package shipping UPS module
py-trytond-stock-product-location Stock product location module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-split Stock split module of the Tryton application platform
py-watchfiles Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload
qbrew Homebrewer's recipe calculator
qt6-qtsensors Qt6 sensors
qt6gtk2 GTK+2.0 integration plugins for Qt6
qterm Utility to recognise terminal type automatically
R-Hmisc Harrell miscellaneous
R-pillar Coloured formatting for columns
R-praise Praise users
raspberrypi-userland Various libraries for the Raspberry Pi
reed Auto-scrolling file viewer
rhash Calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other hash sums
rlwrap Provides command line editing and history for other commands
rocs KDE graph theory IDE
root-tail Allows printing of text directly to the X11 root window
routeplanner-cli Highway trip planner written in Python
rox-memo Reminds you about things
rpm The Red Hat Package Manager
ruby-ansi Collection of ANSI escape code related libraries
ruby-colorator Colorize your text in the terminal
ruby-columnize Format an Array as an Array of String aligned in columns
ruby-commander The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
ruby-configuration Library for loading Ruby configuration files
ruby-daemons Toolkit to convert Ruby scripts to a daemon
ruby-gem_plugin Gem-based plugin system
ruby-hashie Small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful
ruby-launchy Ruby class for launching applications
ruby-license-acceptance Chef End User License Agreement Acceptance
ruby-lolcat Rainbows and unicorns!
ruby-manpages Adds support for man pages to rubygems
ruby-method_source Return the source code for a method
ruby-mini_portile2 Simple autoconf builder for developers
ruby-ohai Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
ruby-parallel Run any kind of code in parallel processes
ruby-patch_finder Toolkit to find software patches
ruby-powerbar The last progressbar-library you'll ever need
ruby-progressbar Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
ruby-pry IRB alternative and runtime developer console
ruby-rainbow Extends ruby String class enabling coloring text on ANSI terminals
ruby-slop Simple Lightweight Option Parsing
ruby-sprockets Rack-based asset packaging system
ruby-sprockets-helpers (V) Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications
mk Subfolder